India's food processing sector is one of the largest in the world and its output is expected to reach $535 bn by 2025-26. The Food Processing sector in India has a quintessential role in linking Indian farmers to consumers in the domestic and international markets. It is the need of the hour to promote the Schemes of MoFPI in regards to Cold Chain, Value Addition and Preservation Infrastructure to provide integrated cold chain and preservation infrastructure facilities, without any break, from the farm gate to the consumer. Thus the Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Government of India is taking the initiative to promote investment and promote the Government & banking schemes along with Technology upgradation & Investors Meet for the food processing industries sector at Mizoram through this meet where all important stake holders will meet and discuss critical issues pertaining towards development of industry in Food Processing Sector.
The Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Govt of India has entrusted the Indian Chamber of Commerce to organize this meet which will act as a platform for sector players to explore opportunities for agri cluster development, contract farming, sourcing, processing, value addition, distribution and marketing in the food processing sector of Mizoram.
Aim of the Conclave:
Promote MoFPI scheme to popularize agri-food business in the region
Promote the latest Government & Bank Schemes
Knowledge dissemination on Quality Assurance, Research & Development
Creation of modern infrastructure for food processing closer to production areas, to provide integrated and complete preservation infrastructure facilities
Creation of effective backward and forward linkages
Upgrdation of existing units and generate investor and stakeholder interest in the potentials of the state