Exploring ESG: Corporate Governance for Social Change
Wednesday Jan. 18 - 10:00 - 14:00 (240 min)
9:30-10:30 am: Delegate Registration
10:30 am: Welcome Address by Shri Alok Kumar Chattopadhyay, Dy. Director and Advisor (F&A), Indian Chamber of Commerce
10:45 am: Going Carbon Neutral: The Earth is a Stakeholder – Dr. U.C.Mohanty, Adjunct Professor, IIT Bhubaneswar
11:10 am: ESG Scores: The Analytics and the Learning-Mr. Sambitosh Mohapatra, Senior Partner and Platform Leader, PWC
11:35 am: What constitutes an enduring and resilient company today? – CS S Sudhakar, Ex Vice-President (Corporate Secretarial) Reliance Industries Limited
12:00 pm: Sustainability Governance: The next step of Corporate Governance? -- CS Arabinda Acharya, Past Chairman, ICSI Bhubaneswar
12:25 pm: ESG Activism: Reevaluating Board Composition’- CMA B K Dash, Group General Manager Finance and ED in Charge, NALCO
12:50 pm: The Corporate Path to ESG Success- CS & CA Vijaya Batth, Asstt. Professor, School of Commerce, Xavier University, Bhubaneswar
1:15 pm: Special Address by Shri Jyoti Bhusan Pany, Chairman, ICC Orissa
1:30 pm: Formal Vote of Thanks by ICC
1:40 pm: Networking Lunch