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In South Asia, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role in economic development, constituting over 80% of enterprises and contributing significantly to poverty alleviation. In Sri Lanka alone, SMEs and Micro-sized enterprises account for over 95% of businesses, generating around 50% of the GDP and employment opportunities, particularly for youth and women. Despite their importance, SMEs face challenges, especially in international trade. To address this, FCCISL organizing the "SAARC trade fair", a trade exhibition aimed at promoting socioeconomic cooperation among South Asian countries and enhancing trade within the region and beyond. This platform will facilitate exports and imports among SAARC member states, promoting cross-border trade and providing opportunities for businesses to showcase products, explore new markets, and engage in discussions for mutual growth.

The main focus of the SAARC Trade Fair is to help South Asian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) capture export markets in South Asia and beyond. Therefore, the SAARC Trade Fair will include a Trade Exhibition of South Asian products and services and Business-to-Business Meetings


Sponsors and Partners



Exhibitor Catagory

Tea and Related Products, Textile & Apparel, Spices & Related Products, Food & Food Processing, Handicraft Products, Herbal Products, Leather Products, Gems & Jewelry, Rubber and Related Products, Tourism and Hospitality, Other sectors


  • Stall Hiring Charges for 9 Sqmts


    9 sqmts Stall Charge INR 60000+ GST

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  • Stall Hiring Charge for 6 sqmts


    6 Sqmts stall charge Rs 50000 + GST

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