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Coal is the most important and abundant fossil fuel in India. It accounts for 55% of the country's energy needs. The country's industrial heritage was built upon indigenous coal.

India faces several challenges related to coal like environmental impact, resource depletion, logistical challenges, regulatory hurdles, outdated technologies and many more. Despite having large coal resources, India imports a substantial amount of coal to meet its energy demand.

Coal is the major source of energy in India, the demand will continue with likely peak between 2030-2035. Coal production is increasing every year and share of coal production from private sector is rising. Driven by the rising population, expanding economy and a quest for improved quality of life, energy usage in India is expected to rise. Considering the limited reserve potentiality of petroleum & natural gas, eco-conservation restriction on hydel project and geo-political perception of nuclear power, coal will continue to occupy centre-stage of India's energy scenario.

Against this background Indian Chamber of Commerce(ICC) is organizing 16th India Coal Summit during 19th September 2024 at Hotel Le Meridien, New Delhi.

Summit Focus

Coal reserves, production and future outlook

· Overview of coal reserves in India and production statistics

· Role of coal in India's electricity generation

· Efficiency and emission standards of coal fired power plants

· Contribution of the coal sector to India's economy

· Key policies and regulations governing the coal sector

Import and export dynamics & regulatory framework

· Coal import trends and key source countries

· Impact of international coal prices on Indian market

· Policies to reduce coal import

· Policies on coking coal availability in India

Environmental impact, renewable energy transition and technological innovations

· Government initiatives to shift from coal to renewable energy

· Green coal initiatives and its impact

· Challenges and opportunities in transitioning to a cleaner energy mix

· Strategic plans for ensuring energy security

· Role of automation and digitalization in mining operations


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