PFRDA & ICC is organising a seminar on Securing Retirement with NPS and Insights for employer – August20, 2021, ICC Auditorium, Kolkata from 10.30 am.
PFRDA is creating a silent revolution in the country, by leading the switchover from Defined Benefit to Defined Contribution System of Pensions. And the subscriber base keeps on increasing and slowly inching towards the 5 crore mark, but still miles to go, as entire India needs to be under PFRDA's protective shield. And this conference, rather interactive session is just one step in the process to take NPS way ahead.
* 10.30 - 10.45 am: Welcome address:
Mr. Atanu Sen, Chairman ICC BFSI Committee
* 10.45-11.05 am: Managing Retirement Savings: Micro & Macro Level by Biswarup Basu, President, ICMAI
*11:05-11.25 am: Keynote address by Shri Supratim Bandyopadhyay, Chairperson , PFRDA
Q&A: 15 minutes
*12:00-12.20 pm: National Pension System – Product Features and Benefits for Corporate- Shri Mono Phukon, General Manager, PFRDA
*12.20-12.40 pm: Retirement Benefits Planning – Mr. Ritobrata Sarkar, Head-Retirement, India, Willis Towers Watson
*12:40-1:00 pm: Taxation and its implications– Ms. Bahroze Kamdin, Partner, Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP
*1.00-1.15 pm: Q &A
*1.15-1.30 pm: Vote of Thanks by Shri Alok Chattopadhyay, DD& Advisor (F&A)