Industrial development is important for economic growth, employment generation and improvement in the quality of life. However, industrial activities without proper precautionary measures for environmental protection are known to cause pollution and associated problems. The Northeastern region of India is a unique biodiversity hotspot. The region, however, faces many environmental problems. The development of this region, thus, requires sound socio-ecological planning with proactive mitigation strategies to control the damage to the region's ecology and society.
In order to discuss the various dimensions of climate change and its effects, sustainable means to mitigate the ill effects of climate change, to help the communities in developing agriculture, food security, land use, forestry, human health, water supply and sanitation and also to suggest a way forward, Indian Chamber of Commerce is organizing a daylong program on Environmental Safety ''CLIMATE CHANGE- ISSUES & IMPACTS'-Strategic way forward towards zero carbon emissions in sync with COP26 on 16th December 2021 at NEDFI House, Dispur, Guwahati, Assam.
Chief Executive Officer at Skill Development Institute, Oil India Ltd.
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Hon’ble Minister at Forests, Fisheries and Excise, Government of Assam
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