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PFRDA is creating a silent revolution in the country, by leading the switchover from Defined Benefit to Defined Contribution System of Pensions. And the subscriber base keeps on increasing and slowly inching towards the 5 Cr mark, but still miles to go, as entire India needs to be under PFRDA's protective shield. And this conference, rather interactive session is just one step in the process to take NPS way ahead.

Please note that this is a physical event, and for half day only. The event ends with lunch. Please note that there is no cost involved at any stage.

Some of our eminent speakers are:

Mr. Atanu Sen, Chairman ICC BFSI Committee

Mr. A.G.Das, Executive Director, PFRDA

Mr. Sumit Kumar, General Manager, PFRDA

Mr. Ritobrata Sarkar, FIAI – Head of Retirement, India & Managing Partner, Willis Towers Watson

CMA Chittaranjan Chattopadhyay,Chairman, Banking Financial Services and Insurance Board, ICMAI

Senior Representative from Deloitte Haskins and Sells LLP

Mr. Alok K Chattopadhyay, DD & advisor (F & Admin), ICC


ICC Auditorium, ICC Towers, 4 India Exchange Place
Kolkata, West Bengal, India

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