9:30 am: Delegate Registration
10:30 am: Welcome Address by Shri Alok Kumar Chattopadhyay, Dy. Director and Advisor (F&A), Indian Chamber of Commerce
10:45 am: Corporate Sustainability Strategy- Ms. Madhura Mitra, Director, PWC
11:10 am: Strategy, Sustainability and Transformation: A Dialogue – Mr. Saket Mehra, Partner, & National Leader-Automotive, Grant Thornton, Guest of Honour
11:35 am: Theme Address: ‘Boards, Activist Investors and Strategic Decision Making -- CA Ravi Kumar Patwa, Chairman, ICAI (ER) Chief Guest
12:00 pm: Strategies in a VUCA World’- CMA Chittaranjan Chattopadhyay- Council Member and Head of BFSI & Indirect Taxation, Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of India
12:25 pm: ‘Role of Independent Directors in a VUCA World’- CS Ravi Varma , Company Secretary and V.P (Corporate Affairs) , Texmaco Rail & Engineering Ltd
12:50 pm: Boards and Strategy: Managing Conflicts among Shareholders - CS Ashok Purohit, Deputy Company Secretary, Emami Ltd
1:15 pm: Formal Vote of Thanks by ICC
1:30 pm: Networking Lunch
Council Member & Chairman, BFSIB, Indirect Taxation at ICMAI
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Vice President (Corporate Affairs) & Company Secretary at Texmaco Rail & Engineering Ltd
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