Indian Chamber of Commerce

The Indian Chamber of Commerce, or ICC as it is popularly known, is the premier body of business and industry in Eastern and North-Eastern India. The membership of the Chamber comprises several of the largest corporate groups in the country, with business operations all over the country and abroad. Over the last few years ICC has truly emerged as a national Chamber of repute, with full-fledged State Offices in New Delhi, Mumbai, Guwahati, Bhubaneshwar, Hyderabad, Agartala, Siliguri and Ranchi functioning efficiently, and building meaningful synergies among Industry and Government by addressing strategic issues of national significance.

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Event Details

Two-Day Interactive Workshop on 'Emotional Well-Being for Working Women'!

๐Ÿ”— Workshop overview

Day 1:

Friday, 8th September 2023

Mrs Rirri Trivedi: Anxiety & Stress Management

Mrs Pragati Jalan Sureka: Ego, Stress and Lifestyle disorder

Day 2:

Saturday, 9th September 2023

Mr Sreedhar Mandyam: Understanding & Managing Emotions | Parenting

Mr Eshwar Sundaresan: Communicating for Harmony in Relationship | Work-life balance |

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Standard Priceโ‚น1,017

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Standard Priceโ‚น1,695



KIIT TBI Auditorium
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

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