The MSME sector is of paramount significance for economic growth and job creation in India. The low labor-to-capital ratio in the MSME sector compared to large industries and the wide and diverse geographic distribution of these enterprises make them crucial for inclusive and equitable growth across India. These enterprises are a source of healthy competition in the economy. Through the promotion of economic dynamism and innovation, they stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit and the diffusion of skills in rural as well as urban areas.
Vendor Development Programmes (VDP) is being jointly organized by the Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and MSME Development Institute Dimapur (MSME Di- Dimapur) from 30th November to 01st December 2022 in Dimapur, Nagaland to provide a common platform for business as well as selling organizations to interact with each other with a view to identifying emerging demands of the buyer organizations while simultaneously providing an opportunity for displaying the capabilities of the small scale entrepreneurs and their industrial ventures. The event will include presentations from Various PSEs/OEMs on their procurement policies and Procedures, deliberations, and discussions. It would put forth the vendor registration process, different products and services required by the CPSEs and also sanitize the MSME on the requirement of CPSEs in building a value chain with the MSME. The session will be followed by B2B meetings between the Procurement Heads of the PSEs/OEMs and the MSMEs. The aim of the program is to further strengthen the goal of PSEs of reaching the procurement mark, developing a strong supply network for OEMs, and therefore generating more business opportunities for MSMEs. This program will prove an immense use in locating suitable entrepreneurs by a number of buying organizations including the Public Sector Enterprises, various Wings of Defense, Railways, and others in indigenizing a number of products that hitherto have been imported at a colossal cost.
Key Highlights of the National Vendor Development Programme