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With the increasing globalization and rapid movement of trade across borders, an important challenge is to address the issue of proliferation of dual-use and sensitive goods and technologies, which poses a threat to international peace and security. India has an impeccable record in non- proliferation of sensitive goods and technologies, in accordance with its national and international obligations.

Export controls are laws and regulations that aim at exercising control over export of sensitive goods and technologies, which are identified due to their dual-use character, i.e. military applications or use in nuclear/chemical/biological weapons of mass destruction, along with their civilian/industrial applications. Export controls should not be regarded as impediments to trade, but as an important process in ensuring safe and secure trade of dual use goods and sensitive goods and technologies.

Multilateral export control regimes have contributed to the goals of non-proliferation, byissuing guidelines for export controls and lists of specific goods and technologies whose exports should be regulated. They are the Wassenaar Arrangement (WA), which controls conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies; the Australia Group (AG), which controls chemical and biological items and related dual-use technologies; the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), which controls delivery systems capable of delivering weapons of mass destruction over the range of 300 kms; and the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), which controls nuclear materials, equipment and technology.

India became a member of MTCR in 2016, WA in 2017 and AG in 2018, and is an adherent to the guidelines and control lists of NSG.Start-up

Scenario in India and their role in Economic development:-

India has the 3rd largest Startup ecosystem in the world and the growth of the Startups Sector is expected to witness growth of 12 – 15% annually. India had about 50,000 startups in 2018, of which 9000+ of these are technology led start-ups. Further, 1300 new tech startups. were born in 2019 only, implying that there are 2-3 tech startups born every day.

Startups in India have been able to create an estimated 40,000 new jobs on an annual basis taking the total jobs in the start-up ecosystem to 1.6-1.7 lakhs contributing to the economic growth of the country.

Need for an Outreach Programme on Export Control dedicated to Start-ups:-

As currently we have a upsurge in the field of Technology Exports, it is felt that the Technology and related Startup ecosystem are required to be made aware of their Export Control obligation in order to ensure compliance of industry to relevant national laws and regulations.

Partnering with concerned Government Agencies:-

As Directorate General of Foreign Trade is the licensing authority for dual use items ICC would like to partner with DGFT and other related organisations under the Ministry of Commerce to reach out to the Start eco system of India in order to make them aware of their legal obligations and compliance requirements. Government of India, to reach-out to the Startup Eco System of India, in order to make them aware of their legal obligations and compliance requirements. To enable optimal outcomes, DGFT and relevant organizations in the Ministry of Commerce are also requested to provide their support letters for wide industry startups participation.

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