ICC realizes the importance of horticulture sector in Arunachal Pradesh and wants to give special attention towards Export Development of high value fruits and vegetables from Arunachal Pradesh.
Arunachal Pradesh which is naturally bestowed with innumerable resources needs to be converted from" Traditional Horticulture" to "High Value Horticulture" in order to tap the Global market potential and this will be the biggest challenge.
The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) was established by the Government of India under the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority Act passed by the Parliament in December, 1985. The Act (2 of 1986) came into effect from 13th February, 1986 by a notification issued in the Gazette of India: Extraordinary: Part-II [Sec. 3(ii): 13.2.1986). The Authority replaced the Processed Food Export Promotion Council (PFEPC).