Tuesday, August 10, 2021 (11:00 - 13:30) GMT +05:30
State Profile of Tripura
The state has tropical climate with average rainfall of 2,200 mm, extending over a period of 8 months in a year. Favorable agro-climate coupled with availability of tilla land in plenty offers immense potentiality for cultivation of various tropical and sub-tropical fruits, nuts, spices and vegetables in Tripura. In fact, Orange, Pineapple (Queen and Kew), Cashewnut and Jack fruit, Lime/Lemon grown in Tripura are already well known for their excellent quality. Since 2018 pineapple and lemon are being exported to different countries. Other important Horticulture crops which have huge business opportunity and untapped commercially are Dragon Fruits and Mushroom. Horticulture development has been considered to be a major activity for economic betterment of farming community as well as employment generation.
Total area under horticulture in the state is 121160.00 ha with a production of 1458245.00 MT Fruits, Vegetables and Spices. Additional 1370 Ha area under Fruits, 1142.6 Ha under Arecanut, 5050 Ha under Vegetables and 200 Ha under open field flower have been brought under cultivation during 2019-20 benefiting nearly 30000 farmers in the state.
The production processing and commercialization of Mushrooms and Dragon Fruits are at very nascent stage in Tripura and also the processing and marketing of these horticulture crops are still untapped and underutilized. There around only countable of Mushroom with total production of 300 MT Dragon fruit growers and only 1800 growers cultivated annually.
Dragon fruit, although a tropical plant, its cultivation requires a temperature between 20 to 30 degree Celsius, and filtered sunlight. In case of high sunlight areas, one needs to grow them under shade. However, as Tripura's climate falls under this range and is an area with moderate to low sunlight, growing dragon fruit plants is ideal. There is huge demand of this fruit the national and international markets due to its nutritional benefits, medicinal values, and below advantages:
Mushroom is the other commercially viable and important crop given its health benefits, medicinal values, nutritional values, includes high protein, vitamin and other minerals, low calorie & sugar, and most important demand in National and International Market. This crop has huge untapped market and opportunities underlying; given the production and processing level in the state of Tripura. It can generate much higher income for the growers if taken up commercially. The production on mushroom is very suitable given the soil and climatic condition of Tripura.
The Directorate of Horticulture & Soil Conservation, Tripura with the assistance available under Horticulture Technology Mission and a minimum allocation of fund under State Plan, is therefore, laying emphasis on various programmes for development of horticulture in the state. The Mission is based on "End to End Approach" taking into account the entire gamut of horticulture development with all backward and forward linkages in a holistic manner. The Technology Mission strives to address the issues related technology and technological development, demonstration of technologies, production of quality planting materials, organic farming, efficient water management, Post harvest Management, Food Processing plants and others. In addition, cultivators are being trained up on modern scientific technical know-how for cultivation of horticulture crops.
Strength of Tripura:-
Secretary , IAS at Department of Agriculture, Government of Tripura
Director of Directorate of Horticulture & Soil Conservation, Government of Tripura
Principal at College of Agriculture, Tripura
Director of ICAR - Indian Institute of Horticulture Research
General Manager at NABARD
Regional Head and AGM at Apeda
Co-Chairman ICC NER Council at Indian Chamber of Commerce, NER
CSIR-CFTRI, North East Mega Food ParkNERAMAC