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ICC has been spear heading a special drive for Agricultural & Industrial Development of the North Eastern Region. On the wake of realizing the importance of Export development of MSME sector from Assam, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India has mandated ICC to organize a Capacity Building Program on MSME District Hub under the Development of Each Districts as an Export Hub on Exploration, Optimization, Marketing linkages of various MSME Products from the state of Assam.

Objectives of the Capacity Building Program:

  • To prepare the roadmap to make districts of Assam as MSME Export Hub in South East Asia.
  • To identify and find solutions to the difficulties in the process of Exporting Goods.
  • Initiatives taken by the Government of Assam to promote MSME export process.
  • To discuss about the marketing linkages needed for MSME and its huge export potentialities for the state of Assam.
  • To make the participants aware about the latest technological developments in MSME.
  • To understand the infrastructure need-Transportation, Manufacturing Facility, Retail Market for the proposed hub.
  • To encourage large industries to realize this huge potential & invest in North east.
  • The mentioned Capacity Building Program will also touch upon the key areas of Value Addition, Market Opportunities and Exports.

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