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Event Details

As India confidently takes strides as one of the fastest leading economies in the world, it's efforts towards sustainable water management and effective care for the environment are also growing at a fast pace. The country's actionable agenda on water includes ensuring universal access to safe water, building water infrastructure, development of sustainable cities, promoting innovation and increasing global water cooperation.

The diversity of needs and the wide gap between aspirations and the current state in our country, underlines the need for continuous innovation in the field of water & wastewater treatment technologies.

ICC has conceived the two-day conference cum workshop with the objective of providing a platform to the brightest new innovators and leading companies in the sector to showcase their projects, enabling them to reach out to the prospective investors and large companies for further cooperation and consolidation towards successful water usage and reuse.

These two days will be filled with insightful sessions, Q&A, presentations, knowledge sharing and field visit. IIT Kharagpur, one of the premier technology institutes in the country, would not only be hosting the event but will also organize visits to its on-campus equipments for trials and pilots.

Proposed Participants :

  • Startups & Innovators in water & wastewater management
  • Leading water & wastewater treatment companies
  • Seed Investors, Angel Investors & other financing entities
  • Government Functionaries

IIT Kharagpur Pilot Projects

  • Pilot 1 : Capacity Up-Flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor
  • Pilot 2 : Production of close to potable quality treated water from sewage at affordable cost
  • Pilot 3 : Advanced Oxidation processes with membrane bioreactor & activated carbon filter for the treatment of petrochemical wastewater
  • Pilot 4 : Portable Electrochemical Advanced Oxidation Unit for Holistic Wastewater Treatment
  • Pilot 5 : Anaerobic Digestion (AD) with Photo-Heterotrophic Bioreactor (PHBR)
  • Pilot 6 : Anaerobic Digestion with Electrically Conductive Biofilter (EBF)
  • Pilot 7 : Bioelectric Toilet โ€“ Treatment of human waste & generating electricity for lighting toilets in rural areas
  • Pilot 8 : Ultrasonic Treatment of Sludge Disintegration & Disinfection

Sep 29 & 30, 2023 GMT +05:30

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IIT Kharagpur
Kharagpur, West Bengal, India
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  • Aankur Patni (Executive Director of Ion Echange (India) Ltd)

    Aankur Patni

    Executive Director of Ion Echange (India) Ltd

  • Sourav Daspatnaik (Managing Director of Swach Environment Pvt. Ltd.)

    Sourav Daspatnaik

    Managing Director of Swach Environment Pvt. Ltd.

  • Makarand Ghangrekar (Professor Civil Engineering at IIT Kharagpur)

    Makarand Ghangrekar

    Professor Civil Engineering at IIT Kharagpur

  • Vishal Mehra (Strategic Business Unit Head at Thermax)

    Vishal Mehra

    Strategic Business Unit Head at Thermax


Event Attendee