The Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainability is a company's commitment to its stake holders to conduct business in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable manner that is transparent and ethical. Stakeholders include employees, investors, share holders, customers, business partners, clients, civil society group, Government and non-government organizations, local communities, environment and society at large.
CSR has great potential when it comes to sustainable progress and is capable of revolutionizing the landscape. An ideal partnership between the government, citizens, NGOs and corporate companies will surely bolster inclusive growth and development in our nation. Sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) are two terms that often get talked about as the same thing. While they are similar, they are not the same; they belong together but are very much their own individual entities. Both CSR and sustainability focus on how an organization impacts the environment and society around it. By acting in a sustainable, socially, environmentally and economically-friendly way you can have a hugely positive impact on the future of your business and the world around you. Understanding the link between CSR and sustainability is an undeniably important part of that.
Diversity and Inclusion is as much a part of corporate and social responsibility, as it is about corporate governance and reputation management. Embedding diversity into corporate and social responsibility helps to build brand recognition. It supports engagement with communities that a company wants to connect with. Inclusive sustainability adheres to supportive long-term access or solutions that will sustain the organization.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Inclusive growth and Sustainability are essential aspects of the core strategy and business practices for cutting edge organizations. Sustainable development and CSR as an agenda, have matured rapidly, and is driven by demand for greater accountability by corporate to societies. Views on corporate responsibility have contributed to mounting pressure on business to demonstrate its social accountability & responsibility.
Inclusive growth basically means broad based growth, shared growth and pro-poor growth. The concept holds a tremendous relevance in today's world of growing disparity. CSR is one such tool which can be considered as a mechanism towards sustainable inclusive growth. CSR programme in areas like education, health, livelihood creation, skill development, empowerment of disabled woman are common practices adopted by the companies in India. Almost all major companies in India have a CSR programme in areas like education, health, livelihood creation, skill development, empowerment of disabled and woman. These include the Maharatna, Navratna and Miniratna public sector organizations along with private sector such as Tata Group, Infosys, Mahindra and Mahindra, Bharti Enterprises, Coca Cola India Pvt Ltd, Pepsico, ITC Welcome Group and more.
Against this backdrop, Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is coming up with the 5th addiction of "ICC Odisha CSR Conclave" with the aim to provide a unique and competent forum to debate & discuss on CSR policy and regulation & also the need of incorporating CSR with business strategies for sustainability. The "5th CSR Conclave" is scheduled on 7th July 2023 at Hotel Swosti Premium, Bhubaneswar.
Key Highlight of the Event:
· Need for inclusive, sustainable and productive CSR initiatives : Principles & Values.
· Sharing CSR Success stories.
· Entrepreneurship & Skilling.
· One day conference providing an exclusive forum to discuss, understand and explore latest perspective and insights on CSR Policy & Regulations, Sustainable development & CSR initiatives in Odisha.
· Opportunity to network and interact with decision makers.
Hon’ble Minister for Department of Industries, Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) , Energy, Government of Odisha
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Development Commissioner Cum Additional Chief Secretary Water Resources ,Government of Odisha
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Member, Core & Advisory Committee, Mentor cum Principal Advisor, CSR & Sustainability Committee, ICC Odisha State Council
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Hon'ble Minister of Steel and Mines Department of Steel and Mines ,Government of Odisha
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Principal Secretary ,Industries Department Government of Odisha
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Member, Core & Advisory Committee, Convenor, CSR Committee, ICC Odisha State Council
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